No need to deal with annoying roommates in this studio near Yankee Stad
ium. In this bargain basement edition of the Listing of the Day, I do not bring you luxe and glam, but stone cold affordability. If the rent was pro-rated over a normal 30 day month, you'd be paying $28/day. That's more than your college roommate living in Cleveland pays for gas everyday to get to work from his mom's house. It's just plain dollars and cents people.

Technically, this nabe is called Highbridge, but let's just call it by what any agressive real estate broker would: Yankee Stadium area. Did I mention they're building a new one?

hood to do well. It's probably one of the most heavily visted outer-borough attractions for tourists. Expect an already decent hood to flourish.
Joyce Kilmer Park on 161st Street is a nice stretch of green across from the courthouse with a nice lorelei statue (A lorelie is

Lots of choices for transportation. For those who work on the West Side there is the B/D at 161th (express) and 167th (local). For those who work on the East Side there is the 4 at 167th. And for those who don't work at all, well, you can probably still afford this apartment just with the checks that nana sends you for your birthday. Cool your unemployed hours bowling at Ball Park Lanes on 160th and River Avenue (literally across from the soon to be old Yankee Stadium).
Game days are fun, and with rent this low you can always afford a ticket, or at least a few beers at one of the dive bars on River Ave.
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