Thursday, June 4, 2009

Round'em Up

Here are some Bronx-related stories which we've rounded up you, our lovely readers, while trolling the interweb with our horse and lasso this fine morning: hosts successful networking event for Bronx real estate industry execs at Tosca Cafe []

Reporter Alex Kratz receives threat of a 'hunt down' from a source who wishes to remain anonymous while seeking employment at yesterday's BJ's job fair [Bronx News Network]

A junior at Saint Catherine's Academy serves as this year's 'police commissioner for a day'
[Daily News]

Teachers at Bronx's Eagle Academy allegedly told to inflate grades for special-needs students [Daily News]

Woodlawn residents may soon get a speedier trip on the 4 train [Daily News]

A C-Town in Norwood is among a group of supermarkets who have agreed to pay some $300,000 to baggers who worked for tips only and no base pay [Village Voice]

Owner and two top officials of construction company that handled the $19 million restoration of the Lion House at the Bronx Zoo charged with stealing $600,000 in unpaid wages and benefits from their workers
[New York Times]

Riverdale Temple to add kindergarten program [Riverdale Press]


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