Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Assemblyman Dinowitz, Council Member Koppell, and State Senator Espaillat Announce Town Hall Meeting

When three heavy hitters like Dinowitz, Koppell and Espaillat set up a town hall meeting, my guess is there are some serious topics on the table. With over a million NYC rent stabilized apartments at risk with present rent stabilization laws set to expire on June 15th, It should be a very lively town hall meeting. If you live in a rent stabilized apartment this is one meeting you might want to attend. Any input out there from our building owners?


* Media Advisory *

For Immediate Release

Assemblyman Dinowitz, Council Member Koppell, and State Senator Espaillat Announce Town Hall Meeting

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Council Member Oliver Koppell, State Senator Adriano Espaillat, and the Riverdale YM-YWHA will host a town hall meeting to discuss critical issues such as the City and State budgets, education funding, job creation and economic development, housing and the upcoming expiration of tenant protection laws, senior citizen concerns, the MTA, and parking and transportation issues. They are eager to hear their constituents’ concerns and opinions.

WHO: Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Council Member Oliver Koppell, and State Senator Adriano Espaillat

WHAT: Town Hall Meeting, open to members of the public

WHEN: Thursday, March 10th, 7:30pm

WHERE: Riverdale YM-YWHA
5625 Arlington Avenue
Bronx, New York 10471
(718) 548-8200

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"inpit"? Proofread!