Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mott Haven Playdate or Story Time?

We know firsthand how difficult it is to find stuff for babies and toddlers to do during the day if they're not in a daycare situation. Besides story time at the library and hitting the local parks, we've found it to be pretty hard to find ways for Pearl to interact with other kids. We're sure we're not alone in this problem, which is why we are happy to reach out to our readers on behalf of Sheridan, a Mott Haven mom interested in forming a playgroup in her area or even getting a story time off the ground in her library. Here's what she has to say:
Hi, I'm a working mom living in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx on Alexander Avenue. I'm looking to set-up play dates for my 10 month old son, Maximilian, with children of a similar age range. Our care-giver will most likely be with our son so play dates can be hosted at our home or within walking distance in the neighborhood. I'm also interested in learning whether any parents with infants would be interested in joining a story time group at the Mott Haven Library on Alexander Avenue. The library will only set up a group with 5 or more children. I can be reached at 646-610-5221 (work) and 718-742-0246 (home). Thank you!

Sheridan A.
Anyone interested in reaching out to Sheridan should call her at the above numbers. You can also shoot us an email and we'll be sure to forward it to Sheridan.


1 comment:

Bradi Nathan said...

You may want to suggest connecting with the moms at So many looking to meet others in their area! Thx.