Friday, October 2, 2009

FU Students' Neighborhood Recommendations

Earlier in the week we linked to New York Magazine's coverage of Fordham's hot new quarterback... And it turns out our alma mater makes a second appearance in this most recent issue.

They did a piece on NYC college kids' recommendations for neighborhood spots to eat, drink, and shop, and Fordham was the lead school.

Click here to check out what the undergrads had to say about the local amenities. Particularly interesting was their designation of bbq joint MoGriddler's as the "Happening Bar." We didn't even realize that MoGriddler's was open again, never mind being a "Happening Bar." Now Pearl and I know where to frequent when we have a hankering for our mid-morning Red Bull and vodka... Kidding! That's Pearl drink - I'm usually designated driver.

Big ups to Kellster out in Chi-town for reminding me to link to this article.


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