Thursday, October 9, 2008

Congratulations To Us!

BoogieDowner is feeling like hot shit today... we just hit the 10,000 visitors mark! That's right. In the words of Ron Burgundy, we're a pretty big deal around here. (If "around here" is defined as the Bronx blogosphere, which consists of about five sites).

Seriously, we're really excited about the feedback we've received from most readers about the site. It seems as if the Bronx was yearning for its own little spot on the interweb to create a dialogue about all the good stuff happening in our beloved borough.

Let's keep it up... remember to email us at boogiedowner@gmail to share tips, photos, post ideas, and comments (the good, and the bad too if you don't like us... which means we don't like you either - nanny, nanny, poo, poo!)

*Photo of deranged-looking celebratory bear breaking open a bottle of champagne courtesy of*


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