Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Round'em Up

Here are some Bronx-related stories we've rounded up you, our lovely readers, while trolling the interweb with our horse and lasso this fine morning:

Kappy reports on who's been naughty or nice (and who's been a little of both and deserves some snowman poop) in the world of Bronx politics this year [Daily News]

Bronx born and raised 'Doubt' writer John Patrick Shanley stops by NY1 for a little one-on-one [NY1]

Some Bronx public housing developments' community centers are on the chopping block [Daily News]

Nurses and doctors at Calvary Hospital raise money and organize holiday party to honor brave kids who've lost loved ones [Daily News]

Lillo acquitted [New York Times] (BoogieDowner Note: What a joke this verdict is.)


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