Thursday, May 20, 2010

More Fresh Direct Outreach...

Norwood resident Lis has been kind enough to take on the task of managing the 'Bring FreshDirect to the NorthWest Bronx!' Facebook page, and she's urging everyone to not only call/email FD, but to also send along some good, old-fashioned snail mail. For your convenience she's created the following template you can copy/paste into a Word doc and simply insert your name/address, print, and sign:

May 14, 2010

FreshDirect Management
23-30 Borden Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to request that delivery services be extended to the NorthWest Bronx. Because I live in an area that is considered a “grocery-store desert” that disallows its residents access to fresh, high-quality food, I would appreciate the opportunity to purchase FreshDirect’s groceries.

Thank you.

By the way, if anyone's interested in starting a campaign for their neck of the woods, please be sure to let us know so we can help you publicize it.

Click here to join the 'Bring FreshDirect to the Northwest Bronx' Facebook page.



Anonymous said...

Any way to get a list of some sample prices before we ask them to come?

Boogiedowner said...

You can actually just log onto their website to check out prices. They look okay - not the best, not the worst. And the way I see it, I'd rather have them delivering here and then people can decide for themselves if they want to use the service. It would just be another option for folks who aren't happy with the grocery stores (or lack thereof) nearby.

The Mayor of Melrose said...

I feel that this should be for the ENTIRE Bronx, not just the "northwest" bronx. the are hundreds of people below the cross bronx expressway who currently shop at whole foods, fairway and garden of eden in the city that would love the opportunity to have access to that service.

Boogiedowner said...

Please see the following part of the post:

"By the way, if anyone's interested in starting a campaign for their neck of the woods, please be sure to let us know so we can help you publicize it."

FD responds to localized demand, so we have to localize our attempts to demonstrate demand. Start a campaign to bring FD to Melrose; we'll hep support it.

the old BD.

Guywithacause said...

I would certainly support having Fresh Direct come to Mott Haven/Melrose/Hunts Point/Woodstock! Basically everywhere south of 161st...we need it!