Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bronx-Born Regis Philbin Pissed at Pelham Parkway Arborcide

Via Curbed



Traci said...

Wow, I hadn't even heard about this! Do you know who I could write to try and stop it?

Jay Shuffield said...

It is strange to hear Regis talk about "a guy named Henry Stern."

This is none other than Henry J. Stern (the self-styled "Star Quest" himself) who twice served as Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for a total of something like 13 years. Of course, the article in the New York Post entirely failed to identify him:

This threat has been hanging over Pelham Parkway for years. It has long been fought by the community, but somehow it looks like they've finally lost out.

Franck LaBoy said...

Jay Shuffield is right. Regis is talking about Henry J. Stern, the ubiquitous star-seeker who was once our Parks Commissioner. It's real sad that the trees, an integral and beautiful part of Pelham Parkway, are being removed. I will write letters, and help in whatever I can, to help save those trees. I love Pelham Parkway.

Just My Own Opinion said...

Those trees might be termite ridden
and the City might not want to admit to it should one fall and kill a mother holding a baby like the horror that occurred in the Central Park Zoo.

A couple of years ago, I was sitting on a bench in the Park on Van Cortland Park South and Gouveneur Avenue. It was a beautiful blue sky day like today. It was beautiful that whole week, actually. All of a sudden I heard what sounded like the crack of thunder and an explosion.

A huge tree crashed down into the grassy area. Thank God no one was in the vicinity at the time. When we went over to inspect the tree, it was hollow inside and INFESTED with termites. Trees are falling all over the neighborhood, sometimes its weather related, of course.

So, maybe, the City started inspecting trees. And maybe the City found 86 disasters in the making.

I've always loved trees. The Giving Tree was one of my favorite books. I cry every time I read it to my kids. But if the tress pose a risk, due to neglect, they have to go.

Anonymous said...

It is most definitely not a matter of diseased/infested trees. The City would have no problem saying that they had to selectively remove some trees to save the rest.

They just want to cut the trees down because their location doesn't meet the current generic engineering recommendations for a high speed roadway.