Wednesday, October 5, 2011

March from City Hall to Liberty Plaza Scheduled for Today at 4:30pm

The MoveOn organization sent the following e-mail about the "March from City Hall to Liberty Plaza" today at 4:30 p.m. Please see the e-mail sent by their organizers related to today’s event. As the demonstration progresses, additional more "main stream" supporters including unions are beginning to show their solidarity by participating in the demonstrations. It's good to see that people have finally taking action to protect the American Dream.


They're mad as hell, and they're not going to take it anymore. And it's time to stand with them.

For more than two weeks, a committed group of young people, unemployed folks, and union members have occupied Wall Street in a rolling 24-hours-a-day protest of the corporate takeover of our democracy.

They're acting in the best traditions of nonviolent resistance and call themselves "the other 99%," because they represent all of us left behind by the coddling of the wealthiest 1% in our society. Their actions are inspiring similar protests in cities across the country against big banks and corporate greed—from Boston to San Francisco and Atlanta to Chicago.1

These are the moments that the American Dream Movement was built to uplift, which we can do right here in New York, by showing the other 99% that we share their frustration, that we stand with them—that we are them too.

This Wednesday, join thousands from unions, community groups, and the American Dream Movement in a march from City Hall to Wall Street in solidarity with the other 99% protesters.

When: Wednesday, October 5, 4:30 p.m.
Where: Foley Square (at Duane St and Centre St outside 26 Federal Plaza), marching to Zuccotti Park in Liberty Plaza

Washington knows how to help everyday Americans suffering through this economic crisis. They're just choosing to coddle the wealthy and corporations instead—including the very people on Wall Street who caused the crisis.

Change will only happen when Washington gets the message that we're fed up with their complicity with corporate greed. Change will only happen when 1,000 committed people in a public square are joined by 10,000 more on a clear October day, then hundreds of thousands more across the country.

The other 99% protesters represent all of us who are being left behind: union workers, public servants, the poor, the unemployed, seniors, the disabled, women, graduates, and children. They represent the young promise of the American Dream Movement. On Wednesday at 4:30 p.m., we have our chance to stand with them.

Join Wednesday's solidarity march from City Hall to Wall Street at 4:30 p.m.
Dr. King said that "he who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." Now's the time to stand up, speak out, and be heard.

Thanks for all you do,
–Daniel, Joan, Laura, Anna, and the rest of the team

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