More on the Kingsbridge Armory task force that BP Ruben Diaz Jr. touched on in his State of the Borough address on Friday [Daily News]
'Rock on the Bronx' details what's happening in the Bronx's music scene in the upcoming weeks [yournabe.com]
Councilman Fernando Cabrera has a new website where residents can log complaints and keep in touch [BxNN]
Where to shop on Boston Road [Daily News]
1 comment:
Sorry Boogiedowner, but that article about the Kingsbridge Armory was nothing new, and the same BS from Ruben Diaz. He claimed he HAD a plan for green jobs that would pay "livable wages." What happened? He said there were 'lots of ideas' to redevelop the Armory. Where did they go? Why create a taskforce then?
Unfortunately, Ruben has no idea what he is doing, and his flip-flopping is due entirely to catering to voters. He doesn't need to make sense, he doesn't need to tell the truth, he doesn't need to do ANYTHING, other than whatever is popular with a few loudmouthed voters at the time.
You will also note that in his state of the Bronx address, he had NO PLAN, nada. Zilch. Sure he gave us lots of dreams about what we COULD do, but what ARE we doing? What are you recommending? The answer: a task force for the Armory (wasting time), and a hotel for the Bronx. That's the Bronx's economic agenda for the next 4 years.....get used to it.
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