Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Main Bronx Post Office Located at 558 Grand Concourse Scheduled for Closure October 2011

Here is an internal memo sent by a reader about the on going battle to close the main Bronx post office at 558 Grand Concourse. For those that don't know, this is the main post office in our Borough, much like the Morgan post office on 8th Avenue and 33rd Street is the main post office in Manhattan. From the information found in the letter and on the web address below, the Bronx post office will be closed later this year. The operations at the Bronx facility are scheduled to be re-routed to the Morgan post office in Manhattan.

The U.S. Post service has unsuccessfully attempted to close the facility in the past. U.S. Congressman Serrano has been a vocal advocate in the past to keep the post office open. Once again, why does the Bronx need to get the short end of the deal? Why not close another facility in Manhattan and move their operations to the Bronx so the Bronx does not loose its main post office? The building truly is a beautiful landmark with grand columns on the outside and large murals in the interior. What will the facility house if it is not used as a post office? Are there plans for another multi-million dollar homeless shelter costing the taxpayers over $4,000 a bed that will be managed by a politically connected Manhattan non-profit? Can cost cutting measures be implemented without the Bronx loosing its main post office? Is there a reason why the decision needs to be between the main post office in Manhattan or the main post office in the Bronx? If any postal workers want to express themselves on the scheduled closing please do.


Mr. Cliff Guffey
American Postal Workers
1300 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-4128

Certified Mail Tracking Number:
Fax: (202) 842-4297

Dear Cliff:

This is to inform you of the Postal Service's decision to consolidate all destinating mail processing operations at the following Northeast Area location:

• Bronx, New York Processing & Distribution Center (P&DC) into Morgan, New York P&DC

After review, it was decided that this consolidation is in the best interest of the Postal Service. Implementation of this AMP is expected to be completed by October 2011. Enclosed, per your request is a copy of the completed study.

The Postal Service must continually look to improve productivity and increase efficiency while maintaining excellent service. The decline in mail volume and revenues due to the economic downturn has only heightened the need for such improvements. These consolidations will allow us to accomplish this goal by making better use of excess space, staffing, and equipment, and to process mail more efficiently.

We have redacted information from the study in accordance with our standard practice. We have also redacted mailer names, companies, and titles that were notified of the study. The mailer names, companies, and titles do not appear to be relevant to the Union's representational responsibilities. Volume numbers associated with service standard changes have also been redacted. This data is commercially sensitive and could be advantageous to our competitors. In order to protect market share, the Postal Service must protect the confidentiality of this information.

It is projected that this consolidation will result in significant savings for the Postal Service. Some affected career employees may be reassigned to the gaining facility or to other vacant positions. Reassignments will be made in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement.

If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Jacqueline Adona at (202) 268-3800.

Patrick M. Devine
Acting Manager
Contract Administration (APWU)


To review the full report her is the link.

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Why as a diabled veteran should I be subjected to leaving my bourough just to mail a package or anything for that matter? Getting to the main post office here is a task in itself. Now you are telling me that I have to go even further to do the same. Each borough should have there own main postal service that service them. What next, we will have to get our mail from India like our phone services? When does this all stop?Keep the Bronx Main Post Office on 149th Street and Grand Concourse.